Monday, March 3, 2008

10 places I'd like to go before I die

I tried to limit this to places I could conceive myself actually reaching, so Mars and Tibet are out.

10. The pyramids of egypt
One of the first fortune cookies I got as a kid said something like "You will visit the pyramids before you die". Even back then I knew it was pretty good as fortune cookies go. I don't really have any idea what Egypt is like for tourists so it's kind of on the backburner for now.

9. A hill in eastern Europe overlooking the asian steppes
So much history involves people and armies passing back and forth between Europe and Asia. From the goths to the huns and mongols to napoleon and hitler and stalin. I'd like to stand on a hill in poland or the ukraine and watch the sun rise over asia

8. The Mississippi
Water that touches the Mississippi is literally four blocks from my front door. I really want to get a raft or boat or whatever and paddle down the elegantly named "north shore sanitation canal". Take that to the Chicago River, to the Illinois River, to the Mississippi. From there to New Orleans down the slow and muddy carotid artery of america.

7. Gettysburg
I went once as a kid and loved it. The land has been very well preserved - you get a real sense of continuity with the past. I want to take my kids in early July, walk the battlefield and eat peanut soup and pumpkin fritters

6. Shawnee national forest
This is supposed to be a really cool place (as far as Illinois goes). Very much unlike the parts of Illinois I'm familiar with, apparently in large part because the glaciers never reached that far south.

5. A glacier (with kids)
My grandkids probably won't have the chance to see any glaciers. I've seen them in Alaska, but I want my kids to see them too before they are gone. Seeing them in pictures just doesn't do them justice.

4. Iceland
I can't explain my fascination with iceland, but it's a place I really want to go. I'm actually ready to move there if Sally would let me. Iceland has a really interesting history - it was at once the wild west of it's day, but is also in some sense the birthplace of modern democracy. It has a very rich literary tradition even though it was something of a cultural backwater. Modern Iceland is a very progressive place with beautiful society, landscape and people

3. English countryside
I've been there once but want to go back. Driving down these tiny roads between hedges and through these little country towns. It was awesome and I want to go back.

2. The arctic circle
I'd fly to anchorage, rent us a SUV and fill it full of water, food, spare tires, fuel, shotguns, mosquito nets, tire chains, flares, GPS and a satellite phone. Then I'd drive north until I hit either Prudhoe Bay, the Arctic circle, or a pothole I couldn't work around. I'd like to confidently be the member of my gene pool to travel furthest north, and I think crossing (entering?) the arctic circle is the best way to do that. For some odd reasons of provincalism, I don't have much interest in the southern hemisphere.

1. Rome
I am ready to go back today. I liked the ancient city and the modern city. Each breath you take is full of history and humanity. Every church is a treasure trove richer than most art museum. Every street has a little mystery to conceal.

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