Saturday, February 23, 2008

Why it is Better to Study the Bible in a Group Setting

Brief thought:

I think that after the many studies I have been in, it is better to study the Bible with a group of people. I am not saying that we should stop having personal Bible studies, but I am saying that maybe they should be in conjunction with a group study.

By studying with others, we are not allowed to wallow in our pessimism and doubt for long without someone having another idea just as valid as ours that contradicts it. Sometimes it's good to wallow, but usually only for for a certain period of time.

Also others are there to correct our whacked-out ideas. Likewise we are there to help others.

Studying alone allows our minds to get off track and stay off track. I do believe that the Holy Spirit is involved but what if he is involved by using others to aide us?

We need other people.

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