Monday, September 1, 2008

Future me, meet Past me

So, we all procrastinate at times. We also work dilligently at times. Often, there is a sense of guilt that goes along with working or resting that is completely linked to the timeliness of when we do so. Instead of feeling guilty about procrastinating, let me propose the following outlook:

At any given instant there are 3 of me. There is past me, present me, and future me. Unfortunately, only present me can choose to effect the world... or maybe not. I like to think of doing favors for the other me's.

Present me is a little tired today, so he is going to let future me do present me a favor by doing some extra work tomorrow. On the other hand past me did a lot of work last week so that present me would be able to take some time to relax this weekend. So, a heartfelt present me thanks past me and future me for being so considerate.

Now, I'm a hard working person, so an awful lot of what I do goes to benefit future me. But present me needs to be careful here. Because any .com entrepreneur from 1999 can tell you, future me doesn't always benefit from present me's sacrifices. So, I think its important to enjoy the current moment at least as much as the future moment coming down the line.

Another important point is that present and future me need to take satisfaction from past me's highlight reel. Present me tends to be constantly looking for an entertaining time. But, maybe it makes sense to just chill and let past me have all the fun while present me has some downtime.

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